By-Laws of RedRiver Working Dogs
(a DVG Midwest Region Club)
1.01 NAME. The names of the Association will be RED RIVER WORKING DOGS and will be referred to hereinafter as RRWD.
2.01 PURPOSE. The mission of RRWD is to (1) support, promote, and organize working dog sport activities in the north Texas/southern Oklahoma area (collectively known as “Texoma”) as set forth by Deutscher Verband der Gebrauchshundsportvereine ("DVG"), (2) Protect and advance the interests of working dogs by encouraging sportsmanlike conduct during all RRWD activities, and at working dog competitions, trials and tests, (3) Support working dog sport activities under the rules of DVG and FCI, (4) Disseminate information about working dogs and RRWD activities through its website and by hosting working dog clinics with respected, established trainers, and (5) support humane and positive training methods, in a manner that promotes the sport of Schutzhund among club members and to the greater public.
3.01 PRINCIPAL OFFICE. The principal office of RRWD is located in Fannin County, Texas at 4038 FM 2645, Savoy, TX 75479.
4.01 GENERAL POWERS. The business affairs of RRWD will be managed by its Board of Directors (hereinafter referred to as the “Board”). Issues significantly affecting the Association shall be presented to the general membership at a bi-annual General Membership Meeting.
4.02 NUMBER. The Board will consist of five (5) voting members elected to the positions of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Training Director.
4.03 TENURE AND QUALIFICATIONS. Directors subsequent to the initial/forming Board, will be elected by members at a General Membership Meeting. The Board will be comprised of said elected Directors. All terms of office will be for a period of one year (in addition to vacancies as discussed in Section 4.04. Directors may serve two consecutive terms if approved by vote at the General Membership Meeting. A member may again fill a Director position previously occupied, after vacating said position for a period of one year. Directors have the right to vote on all matters EXCEPT any issue determined to be an actual or perceived conflict of interest. A conflict of interest will be deemed to apply if the subject Director self discloses or if any member in Good Standing perceives there to be a conflict.
4.04 VACANCIES. The Board will be elected at a bi-annual General Membership Meeting and shall be installed at the next Board Meeting. When vacancies occur during a term, the Board may vote to fill expiring terms of vacant positions and submit said action to general membership approval at a bi-annual General Membership Meeting.
4.05 BOARD BUSINESS MEETINGS. Meetings of the Board will be held quarterly, in the months of September, December, March and June on a date and at a place designated by the President in the notice of the meeting. Meeting may be, when necessary, conducted via conference or telephone call.
4.06 SPECIAL MEETINGS. Special Meetings of the Board may be called by or at the request of the President or by written request by two Board Members and may be conducted in person, or via conference or telephone call.
4.07 NOTICE. Notice of any special meetings of the Board will be given at least three (3) days previous thereto by written notice delivered either in person, by U.S. mail, or email to each Director at his/her address as recorded in the records of the Association. If mailed, notice will be deemed delivered when deposited in the United States mail, postage paid and properly addressed, five (5) days prior to the date of the noticed meeting. Any Director may waive notice of any meeting. The attendance of a Director at any meeting will constitute a waiver of notice of such meeting except when the Director attends the meeting for the express purpose of objecting to the transaction of business on the basis that the meeting is not lawfully called or convened. The business to be transacted at the meeting shall be specified in the notice or in the waiver of notice of such meeting.
4.08 QUORUM. Three Members (3 of 5) of the Board then sitting will constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Board; but if less than three of the Directors are present at the meeting a majority of the Directors may adjourn the meeting. Presence of the Directors by electronic means (telephone or electronic conference technologies (including, but not limited to Skype or Google Hangouts) is permitted where physical attendance is not possible.
4.09 PROXY VOTING. Proxy voting by Directors is permitted. A voting Director who does not attend any Board Meeting where voting will occur may assign his/her vote to another Director in good standing, and that Director may exercise said vote as he/she elects. Proxy votes will be carefully considered; No contest may be raised by the Director assigning said proxy vote as to the manner in which his/her proxy vote was ultimately exercised.
4.10 MANNER OF ACTION. The act of a majority of Directors present at a meeting at which a quorum is present will be the act of the Board, unless the act of a greater number is required by law or by other provision in these By-Laws. When Board action is urgently needed before the next regularly scheduled Board Meeting, the Board President may contact each Director to conduct a vote on a particular matter. Such votes should not become the regular method of action for the Board and generally should be conducted only on matters determined to be urgent, non-controversial and not in need of much discussion among the Board. At the next meeting of the board immediately following a vote, the Board shall reaffirm the vote and have the action recorded in the minutes of the organization.
4.11 RULES OF ORDER. All meetings will be conducted in accordance with the most current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised.
4.12 COMPENSATION. Directors, as such, will receive no compensation for their services and will receive no financial advantage without Board approval.
Each Director is expected to participate in fundraising and member recruitment efforts. No Director will miss more than three (3) regularly-scheduled meetings in a row without notifying the Board President prior to the meeting. any Director missing more than three (3) regularly-scheduled meetings in a row without giving notice will be considered as having resigned. All Directors will be expected to participate in new board member orientation when they first begin their service on the board. Directors will come to meetings having read the board meeting agenda and prepared to act on all board matters.
4.14 REMOVAL OF BOARD MEMBER. Any Director may be removed from the Board at any regularly-scheduled Board meeting at which a quorum is present (by simple majority vote) whenever, in its judgment, the best interests of RRWD would be served thereby. The Board President will notify the member of their removal from office within 24 hours.
4.15 PRESIDENT. The President will be the principal Director of RRWD and will , in general, supervise and control the business affairs of the Association and program. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board. The President shall perform all duties incident to the office of the President, in general, and such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board from time to time. The President shall sign all contracts and be the official spokesperson of RRWD, but will not be held individually liable for these contracts signed for the benefit of the RRWD Club as a whole. The President shall appoint committee members unless otherwise provided by the By-Laws.
4.16 VICE PRESIDENT. In the absence of the President, or in the event of the President’s inability or refusal to act, the Vice President shall perform the duties of the President, and when so acting, will have all of the powers of and be subject to all of the restrictions on the President. The Vice President shall also take minutes at the board meetings in the absence of the Secretary. The Vice President shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the President or the Board.
4.17 TREASURER. The Treasurer will have charge, care and responsibility for all funds and securities of RRWD. Funds from any source whatsoever will be deposited in the name of RRWD in all banks and other depositories selected by the Board. The Treasurer will, in concert with the other Directors, formulate a budget for Club operations and make a part of the monthly report, updates on how actual expenditures accord with projected expenditures. In addition, the Treasurer will, in general, perform all the duties incident to the office of Treasurer and any such other duties as the President or the Board will from time to time assign to the Treasurer. The financial records shall be kept and maintained at the principal office of the agency.
4.18 SECRETARY. The Secretary shall keep a record of the meetings of the Board in one or more books provided for that purpose, maintain a record of attendance of the Directors at Board meetings, and see that all notices are duly given in accordance with the provisions of these Bylaws or as required by law. The Secretary will also be custodian of the RRWD records, keep a database of members and pertinent information and, in general, perform all duties incident to the office of Secretary and any such other duties as from time to time may be assigned by the President or the Board. The records shall be kept and maintained at the principal office of the agency.
4.19 TRAINING DIRECTOR. The Training Director (hereinafter TD) will provide guidance on training methods and practices, and will support the establishment of specific training and competition/trial goals and objectives.
4.20 RRWD CALENDAR AND FISCAL YEAR. The RRWD fiscal and calendar year runs from December 1 to November 30.
5.01 MEMBERSHIP. All applicants for membership must be sponsored by a member in good standing and approved by ⅗ of the Board.
5.02 MEMBERSHIP CLASSIFICATION. Three Membership Levels will be offered: (1) FAMILY MEMBERSHIP [granting membership privileges to immediate, related family members (parents and children up to age 18) within the same physical household; entitled to two votes], (2) INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP (one member; one vote), and (3) JUNIOR MEMBERSHIP (one member under the age of 18; one vote).
5.03 GOOD STANDING. To maintain Good Standing, a member must be current on their financial obligations to, and actively engaged in, the Association and not facing disciplinary action or expulsion.
5.04 MEMBERSHIP DUES. There are two forms of Dues, both of which must be paid by each member no later than January 1 of each year. The two forms of dues are (1) annual DVG dues ($100 which includes the DVG magazine), and (2) annual RRWD Club Dues ($240).
5.05 MEMBER RESPONSIBILITIES AND OBLIGATIONS. Each member shall (1) pay their dues as noted in Section 5.04 above, (2) ensure that the Board (via the Secretary) has their current contact information to include email address, mailing address, and phone number, (3) abide by these RRWD Bylaws, (4) contribute to the training efforts and goals of the club and its constituent members, and (5) support each club member’s efforts to train and title their dogs in the manner those members deem appropriate.
5.06 SETTING OF MEMBERSHIP DUES RATES. Membership dues shall be set by the Board and approved at a bi-annual General Membership Meeting.
5.07 MEMBER EXPULSION AND APPEAL RIGHTS. Members may be expelled from Red River Working Dogs, without refund of dues paid, if they (1) bring discredit to the DVG Association or the RRWD club, (2) act in a manner unbecoming to the membership and detrimental to the interest of the Association or club, (3) act in an abusive manner to any person, animal or property (whether or not immediately relating to the Association), (4) become delinquent for dues owed by more than six (6) months or (5) substantially fail to satisfy the member responsibilities and obligations delineated in Section 5.05 herein. Expulsion from Red River Working Dogs does not act as an expulsion from membership with the DVG. Expelled members have appeal rights, under KG and LV disciplinary procedures, regarding Red River Working Dogs’ disciplinary actions.
6.01 BI-ANNUAL MEETINGS. Each year, two annual general membership meetings will be held, and will be conducted during the months of March and September. All members in Good Standing will be entitled to attend, participate and vote on all matters presented for consideration.
6.02 GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING QUORUM. A quorum is required for voting on all Association business presented at a bi-annual general membership meeting. A quorum will be one half (50%) of the Association members (general members plus Directors) in Good Standing.
6.03 ISSUES PRESENTED AND DECIDED. Issues significantly impacting the general membership shall be discussed and presented for vote at these bi-annual meetings. Such issues include, but are not limited to, membership due rates, election of Officers, revision of Bylaws, event organization, club schedule, and club expenses.
6.04 NOTICE. Notice of each bi-annual meeting must be provided to the general membership by the Board. Said notice will be provided in two ways: (1) notice on the Association’s website ( and and (2) via email notice to the address on record for each member.
6.05 PROXY AND ELECTRONIC VOTING. Proxy voting at bi-annual general membership meetings is permitted. A voting member who does not attend a bi-annual General Membership meeting where voting will occur may assign his/her vote to another member in good standing, and that member may exercise said vote as he/she elects. Proxy votes will be carefully considered; No contest may be raised by the member assigning said proxy vote as to the manner in which the proxy vote was ultimately exercised. The Board will make every effort to utilize electronic voting (via Survey Monkey or other online voting provider) when possible.
6.06 RESOLUTION OF TIED VOTES. In case of any tied vote during a general membership meeting, said tie will be settled by ⅗ majority vote by the Board (three of the five Directors). If ⅗ vote by Board is not possible (due to absence of full board), the President shall settle the tie with his/her vote.
7.01 AMENDMENT. The By-Laws of this Association may be revised, supplemented, or repealed, in whole or in part, by a majority (50% plus one) vote of members in Good Standing present at a bi-annual general membership meeting.
8.01 POLICY. This Association is a Midwest Region Club of the DVG America (Deutscher Verbrand der Gebrauchshund Sportverein) and is self-governing, non-profit, non-partisan, non-sectarian and non-discriminatory. The Association will solicit and receive funds for the accomplishment and furtherance of the By-Laws as adopted. The Association will not engage in activities other than those which would be in furtherance of the purposes set forth. In no event will any such activities be in contravention of law or of the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code pursuant to which the parent Association (DVG America) is granted tax-exempt status by the Internal Revenue Service.
9.01 BYLAW/CONFLICT SETTLEMENT. These Bylaws are subject and subordinate to the bylaws and amendments thereto to LV/DVG America and DVG, and wherever conflict or discrepancy appears between the bylaws of Red River Working Dog and the bylaws and amendments thereto of LV/DVG America and DVG, the latter must prevail.
We hereby set forth these By-Laws on behalf of the Association on this the 22nd day of October 2015.
____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________
Robin Loreth Kathy Bunker
President Secretary
1.01 NAME. The names of the Association will be RED RIVER WORKING DOGS and will be referred to hereinafter as RRWD.
2.01 PURPOSE. The mission of RRWD is to (1) support, promote, and organize working dog sport activities in the north Texas/southern Oklahoma area (collectively known as “Texoma”) as set forth by Deutscher Verband der Gebrauchshundsportvereine ("DVG"), (2) Protect and advance the interests of working dogs by encouraging sportsmanlike conduct during all RRWD activities, and at working dog competitions, trials and tests, (3) Support working dog sport activities under the rules of DVG and FCI, (4) Disseminate information about working dogs and RRWD activities through its website and by hosting working dog clinics with respected, established trainers, and (5) support humane and positive training methods, in a manner that promotes the sport of Schutzhund among club members and to the greater public.
3.01 PRINCIPAL OFFICE. The principal office of RRWD is located in Fannin County, Texas at 4038 FM 2645, Savoy, TX 75479.
4.01 GENERAL POWERS. The business affairs of RRWD will be managed by its Board of Directors (hereinafter referred to as the “Board”). Issues significantly affecting the Association shall be presented to the general membership at a bi-annual General Membership Meeting.
4.02 NUMBER. The Board will consist of five (5) voting members elected to the positions of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Training Director.
4.03 TENURE AND QUALIFICATIONS. Directors subsequent to the initial/forming Board, will be elected by members at a General Membership Meeting. The Board will be comprised of said elected Directors. All terms of office will be for a period of one year (in addition to vacancies as discussed in Section 4.04. Directors may serve two consecutive terms if approved by vote at the General Membership Meeting. A member may again fill a Director position previously occupied, after vacating said position for a period of one year. Directors have the right to vote on all matters EXCEPT any issue determined to be an actual or perceived conflict of interest. A conflict of interest will be deemed to apply if the subject Director self discloses or if any member in Good Standing perceives there to be a conflict.
4.04 VACANCIES. The Board will be elected at a bi-annual General Membership Meeting and shall be installed at the next Board Meeting. When vacancies occur during a term, the Board may vote to fill expiring terms of vacant positions and submit said action to general membership approval at a bi-annual General Membership Meeting.
4.05 BOARD BUSINESS MEETINGS. Meetings of the Board will be held quarterly, in the months of September, December, March and June on a date and at a place designated by the President in the notice of the meeting. Meeting may be, when necessary, conducted via conference or telephone call.
4.06 SPECIAL MEETINGS. Special Meetings of the Board may be called by or at the request of the President or by written request by two Board Members and may be conducted in person, or via conference or telephone call.
4.07 NOTICE. Notice of any special meetings of the Board will be given at least three (3) days previous thereto by written notice delivered either in person, by U.S. mail, or email to each Director at his/her address as recorded in the records of the Association. If mailed, notice will be deemed delivered when deposited in the United States mail, postage paid and properly addressed, five (5) days prior to the date of the noticed meeting. Any Director may waive notice of any meeting. The attendance of a Director at any meeting will constitute a waiver of notice of such meeting except when the Director attends the meeting for the express purpose of objecting to the transaction of business on the basis that the meeting is not lawfully called or convened. The business to be transacted at the meeting shall be specified in the notice or in the waiver of notice of such meeting.
4.08 QUORUM. Three Members (3 of 5) of the Board then sitting will constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Board; but if less than three of the Directors are present at the meeting a majority of the Directors may adjourn the meeting. Presence of the Directors by electronic means (telephone or electronic conference technologies (including, but not limited to Skype or Google Hangouts) is permitted where physical attendance is not possible.
4.09 PROXY VOTING. Proxy voting by Directors is permitted. A voting Director who does not attend any Board Meeting where voting will occur may assign his/her vote to another Director in good standing, and that Director may exercise said vote as he/she elects. Proxy votes will be carefully considered; No contest may be raised by the Director assigning said proxy vote as to the manner in which his/her proxy vote was ultimately exercised.
4.10 MANNER OF ACTION. The act of a majority of Directors present at a meeting at which a quorum is present will be the act of the Board, unless the act of a greater number is required by law or by other provision in these By-Laws. When Board action is urgently needed before the next regularly scheduled Board Meeting, the Board President may contact each Director to conduct a vote on a particular matter. Such votes should not become the regular method of action for the Board and generally should be conducted only on matters determined to be urgent, non-controversial and not in need of much discussion among the Board. At the next meeting of the board immediately following a vote, the Board shall reaffirm the vote and have the action recorded in the minutes of the organization.
4.11 RULES OF ORDER. All meetings will be conducted in accordance with the most current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised.
4.12 COMPENSATION. Directors, as such, will receive no compensation for their services and will receive no financial advantage without Board approval.
Each Director is expected to participate in fundraising and member recruitment efforts. No Director will miss more than three (3) regularly-scheduled meetings in a row without notifying the Board President prior to the meeting. any Director missing more than three (3) regularly-scheduled meetings in a row without giving notice will be considered as having resigned. All Directors will be expected to participate in new board member orientation when they first begin their service on the board. Directors will come to meetings having read the board meeting agenda and prepared to act on all board matters.
4.14 REMOVAL OF BOARD MEMBER. Any Director may be removed from the Board at any regularly-scheduled Board meeting at which a quorum is present (by simple majority vote) whenever, in its judgment, the best interests of RRWD would be served thereby. The Board President will notify the member of their removal from office within 24 hours.
4.15 PRESIDENT. The President will be the principal Director of RRWD and will , in general, supervise and control the business affairs of the Association and program. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board. The President shall perform all duties incident to the office of the President, in general, and such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board from time to time. The President shall sign all contracts and be the official spokesperson of RRWD, but will not be held individually liable for these contracts signed for the benefit of the RRWD Club as a whole. The President shall appoint committee members unless otherwise provided by the By-Laws.
4.16 VICE PRESIDENT. In the absence of the President, or in the event of the President’s inability or refusal to act, the Vice President shall perform the duties of the President, and when so acting, will have all of the powers of and be subject to all of the restrictions on the President. The Vice President shall also take minutes at the board meetings in the absence of the Secretary. The Vice President shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the President or the Board.
4.17 TREASURER. The Treasurer will have charge, care and responsibility for all funds and securities of RRWD. Funds from any source whatsoever will be deposited in the name of RRWD in all banks and other depositories selected by the Board. The Treasurer will, in concert with the other Directors, formulate a budget for Club operations and make a part of the monthly report, updates on how actual expenditures accord with projected expenditures. In addition, the Treasurer will, in general, perform all the duties incident to the office of Treasurer and any such other duties as the President or the Board will from time to time assign to the Treasurer. The financial records shall be kept and maintained at the principal office of the agency.
4.18 SECRETARY. The Secretary shall keep a record of the meetings of the Board in one or more books provided for that purpose, maintain a record of attendance of the Directors at Board meetings, and see that all notices are duly given in accordance with the provisions of these Bylaws or as required by law. The Secretary will also be custodian of the RRWD records, keep a database of members and pertinent information and, in general, perform all duties incident to the office of Secretary and any such other duties as from time to time may be assigned by the President or the Board. The records shall be kept and maintained at the principal office of the agency.
4.19 TRAINING DIRECTOR. The Training Director (hereinafter TD) will provide guidance on training methods and practices, and will support the establishment of specific training and competition/trial goals and objectives.
4.20 RRWD CALENDAR AND FISCAL YEAR. The RRWD fiscal and calendar year runs from December 1 to November 30.
5.01 MEMBERSHIP. All applicants for membership must be sponsored by a member in good standing and approved by ⅗ of the Board.
5.02 MEMBERSHIP CLASSIFICATION. Three Membership Levels will be offered: (1) FAMILY MEMBERSHIP [granting membership privileges to immediate, related family members (parents and children up to age 18) within the same physical household; entitled to two votes], (2) INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP (one member; one vote), and (3) JUNIOR MEMBERSHIP (one member under the age of 18; one vote).
5.03 GOOD STANDING. To maintain Good Standing, a member must be current on their financial obligations to, and actively engaged in, the Association and not facing disciplinary action or expulsion.
5.04 MEMBERSHIP DUES. There are two forms of Dues, both of which must be paid by each member no later than January 1 of each year. The two forms of dues are (1) annual DVG dues ($100 which includes the DVG magazine), and (2) annual RRWD Club Dues ($240).
5.05 MEMBER RESPONSIBILITIES AND OBLIGATIONS. Each member shall (1) pay their dues as noted in Section 5.04 above, (2) ensure that the Board (via the Secretary) has their current contact information to include email address, mailing address, and phone number, (3) abide by these RRWD Bylaws, (4) contribute to the training efforts and goals of the club and its constituent members, and (5) support each club member’s efforts to train and title their dogs in the manner those members deem appropriate.
5.06 SETTING OF MEMBERSHIP DUES RATES. Membership dues shall be set by the Board and approved at a bi-annual General Membership Meeting.
5.07 MEMBER EXPULSION AND APPEAL RIGHTS. Members may be expelled from Red River Working Dogs, without refund of dues paid, if they (1) bring discredit to the DVG Association or the RRWD club, (2) act in a manner unbecoming to the membership and detrimental to the interest of the Association or club, (3) act in an abusive manner to any person, animal or property (whether or not immediately relating to the Association), (4) become delinquent for dues owed by more than six (6) months or (5) substantially fail to satisfy the member responsibilities and obligations delineated in Section 5.05 herein. Expulsion from Red River Working Dogs does not act as an expulsion from membership with the DVG. Expelled members have appeal rights, under KG and LV disciplinary procedures, regarding Red River Working Dogs’ disciplinary actions.
6.01 BI-ANNUAL MEETINGS. Each year, two annual general membership meetings will be held, and will be conducted during the months of March and September. All members in Good Standing will be entitled to attend, participate and vote on all matters presented for consideration.
6.02 GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING QUORUM. A quorum is required for voting on all Association business presented at a bi-annual general membership meeting. A quorum will be one half (50%) of the Association members (general members plus Directors) in Good Standing.
6.03 ISSUES PRESENTED AND DECIDED. Issues significantly impacting the general membership shall be discussed and presented for vote at these bi-annual meetings. Such issues include, but are not limited to, membership due rates, election of Officers, revision of Bylaws, event organization, club schedule, and club expenses.
6.04 NOTICE. Notice of each bi-annual meeting must be provided to the general membership by the Board. Said notice will be provided in two ways: (1) notice on the Association’s website ( and and (2) via email notice to the address on record for each member.
6.05 PROXY AND ELECTRONIC VOTING. Proxy voting at bi-annual general membership meetings is permitted. A voting member who does not attend a bi-annual General Membership meeting where voting will occur may assign his/her vote to another member in good standing, and that member may exercise said vote as he/she elects. Proxy votes will be carefully considered; No contest may be raised by the member assigning said proxy vote as to the manner in which the proxy vote was ultimately exercised. The Board will make every effort to utilize electronic voting (via Survey Monkey or other online voting provider) when possible.
6.06 RESOLUTION OF TIED VOTES. In case of any tied vote during a general membership meeting, said tie will be settled by ⅗ majority vote by the Board (three of the five Directors). If ⅗ vote by Board is not possible (due to absence of full board), the President shall settle the tie with his/her vote.
7.01 AMENDMENT. The By-Laws of this Association may be revised, supplemented, or repealed, in whole or in part, by a majority (50% plus one) vote of members in Good Standing present at a bi-annual general membership meeting.
8.01 POLICY. This Association is a Midwest Region Club of the DVG America (Deutscher Verbrand der Gebrauchshund Sportverein) and is self-governing, non-profit, non-partisan, non-sectarian and non-discriminatory. The Association will solicit and receive funds for the accomplishment and furtherance of the By-Laws as adopted. The Association will not engage in activities other than those which would be in furtherance of the purposes set forth. In no event will any such activities be in contravention of law or of the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code pursuant to which the parent Association (DVG America) is granted tax-exempt status by the Internal Revenue Service.
9.01 BYLAW/CONFLICT SETTLEMENT. These Bylaws are subject and subordinate to the bylaws and amendments thereto to LV/DVG America and DVG, and wherever conflict or discrepancy appears between the bylaws of Red River Working Dog and the bylaws and amendments thereto of LV/DVG America and DVG, the latter must prevail.
We hereby set forth these By-Laws on behalf of the Association on this the 22nd day of October 2015.
____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________
Robin Loreth Kathy Bunker
President Secretary