Here's the Scoop on Joining Red River Working Dogs DVG Club.
Red River Working Dogs is a DVG IPO training club formed and maintained in the German tradition. Team members support each other as we develop our training and trialing skills with the end goal of earning IPO titles. Note: The sport was formerly called Schutzhund (German for "protection dog") or IPO but is now referred to as IGP (Internationale Gebrauchshund Pruefung), German for “International Working Dog Examination". IGP is a demanding and very competitive sport that requires daily training at home and training at the Club at least once or twice a week. This sport will put a lot of miles on your vehicle, consume a seemingly endless number of hours and extract money from our wallets. Being a part of a competitive IGP training team takes a high level of commitment. Good chemistry between team members is critical. We expect everyone to be supportive of and kind to one another, keep a positive attitude even when facing difficult challenges, and to help us all achieve our individual goals as we work toward our team goals. The club has regular Club Work Days where we all show up and work to maintain and improve our training facilities. CLUB DUES HAVE TWO PARTS: (1) RRWD Club Dues ($600/year), and (2) DVG Dues ($100/year). If you're interested in joining RRWDs, contact us to schedule a visit on a training day (check our calendar). Meet the club members, see how we train and ask questions. Here's how visitors become MEMBERS:
If these options aren't right for you, private training lessons and/or board and train might be better. If you want to learn more about that, check out this page. PAPER MEMBERS. Only need a Paper Membership? We do offer paper memberships for those who don't have a home club but need to belong to the DVG for trial purposes The fee to be a paper member is $190/year ($90 for the DVG Dues portion plus $100 for RRWD Paper Club Dues) |
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